Designed for your most demanding RFID traceability applications, SPECTRE ATX is a fixed UHF reader with integrated antenna, ATEX & IECEx certified....
Designed for your most demanding RFID traceability applications, SPECTRE ATX is a fixed UHF reader with integrated antenna, ATEX & IECEx certified....
The ATX 13.56 MHz is a high security ATEX & IECEx certified proximity reader for all your access control requirements in explosive environments.
The SPECTRE ATX4 is a fixed multi-antenna UHF reader, ATEX & IECEx certified. It meets the needs of industrial identification and traceability in all...
The Brady FR22 Fixed UHF RAIN RFID reader is the core device of a new generation of fixed yet highly flexible RFID solutions. The FR22 combines fast and...
Reliability, ease-of-use, and speed. These are the breed qualities of the legendary, all-purpose Finnhorse. The Nordic ID Sampo S3 delivers these very same...
The Tile (model R1250I), desktop reader of the easy2read© product line, is a RAIN RFID reader with integrated antenna for short to medium range applications....
The Proton (Model R4320P) is a rugged long range RAIN RFID reader of the easy2read© product line, well suited for industrial environment installations. The...
This antenna is designed for RAIN RFID long range application like portals, vehicles identification, access control or waste management. Thanks to the...
This antenna is designed for RAIN RFID long range application like portals, vehicles identification, access control or waste management. Thanks to the...
The QuadIP is a medium-short range RAIN RFID antenna in a compact and robust form factor. The QuadIP antenna is well suited for building small RFID gates,...
The QuadIP is a medium-short range RAIN RFID antenna in a compact and robust form factor. The QuadIP antenna is well suited for building small RFID gates,...
The Quattro (Model R4321P) is a compact long range RAIN RFID reader of the easy2read© product line, well suited for retail and warehousing installations. The...
The RA0003 module is a 1 to 4 UHF antenna multiplexer that allows to expand read points management of CAEN RFID easy2read product line. RA0003 has SMA RF...
The Tile (model R1250I), desktop reader of the easy2read© product line, is a RAIN RFID reader with integrated antenna for short to medium range applications....
The trID (Model R1210I) is a slim RAIN RFID reader of the easy2read© product line with integrated antenna for short range applications. The reader hosts an...
Nordic ID:n AR-sarjan UHF RFID lukijoita käytetään ajantasaiseen nimiketason inventointiin ja nimikkeiden sijainnin ja liikkeen seurantaan lukijan lukukentän...
Nordic ID FR22 is a new generation RFID fixed reader with wide communication options and a modular design. The FR22 is a vital building block for various...
RAIN UHF RFID lukija Sampo S1 voidaan asentaa paikkoihin, jossa tilaa on rajoitetusti. Tämän laiteperheen kevyimmät lukijat ovat omiaan esimerkiksi kaupan ja...
UHF RFID reader Sampo S1 One-series is an effective RFID reader for long-range and heavy-duty inventory purposes. This variant houses an RFID module twice as...
RAIN UHF RFID lukija Sampo S1 voidaan asentaa paikkoihin, jossa tilaa on rajoitetusti. Tämän laiteperheen kevyimmät lukijat ovat omiaan esimerkiksi kaupan ja...
Sampo S2 One Series is a powerful fixed UHF RFID reader with multiple connectivity options. This versatile reader offers both EU and US frequencies in one...
Nordic ID Sampo S2 One Series is a powerful fixed UHF RFID reader with multiple connectivity options. This versatile reader offers both EU and US frequencies...
Nordic ID Sampo S2 is a versatile fixed UHF RFID reader with SW controllable low and normal gain functionalities. This reader offers both EU and US...
Sampo S2 One Series is a powerful fixed UHF RFID reader with multiple connectivity options. This versatile reader offers both EU and US frequencies in one...
Nordic ID Sampo S2 One Series is a powerful fixed UHF RFID reader with multiple connectivity options. This versatile reader offers both EU and US frequencies...
Nordic ID Sampo S2 is a versatile fixed UHF RFID reader with SW controllable low and normal gain functionalities. This reader offers both EU and US...
UHF RFID reader Sampo S2 One-series is a powerful fixed UHF RFID reader with multiple connectivity options. This versatile reader offers both EU and US...
The SLE is the SPECTRE Extrem reader with one SPECTRE Extrem UHF antenna. The SPECTRE Extrem reader is designed for your most demanding RFID traceability...
The SPECTRE Industry reader (SMI) is designed for your most demanding traceability applications and meets all your needs for the identification and tracking...
The SPECTRE Extrem reader (SME) is designed for your most demanding RFID traceability applications by meeting your needs for industrial identification and...
The SPECTRE Industry reader (SMI) is designed for your most demanding traceability applications and meets all your needs for the identification and tracking...
The A5020 LX is designed to operate in environments where temperature, dirt and water levels are extreme. Being IP69k rated, It can withstand high-pressure...
The new FX7500 Fixed RFID Reader introduces advanced RFID radio technology for faster, more accurate read rates and more consistent performance even in...
The new FX7500 Fixed RFID Reader introduces advanced RFID radio technology for faster, more accurate read rates and more consistent performance even in...
Zebran FX9600 on huipputason suuren volyymin UHF RFID lukija haastavimpiin olosuhteisiin. FX9600 tarjoaa huipputason lukunopeutta, poikkeuksellista...
Zebran FX9600 on huipputason suuren volyymin UHF RFID lukija haastavimpiin olosuhteisiin. FX9600 tarjoaa huipputason lukunopeutta, poikkeuksellista...
The AN440 RFID Antenna gives you a wide read field and high-speed RF signal conversion, so data capture is fast and accurate, even in expansive, high-demand...
Zebra's UHF RFID antenna AN480 offers the flexibility and performance required to meet the needs of enterprises worldwide. Compatible in virtually any global...
The Zebra AN510 is a TAA Compliant RFID Antenna with an IP67 Rating is suitable for use in a wide range of indoor and outdoor environments including shopping...
The AN520 ultra-rugged, low profile antenna, with an IP68 rating, is suitable for use in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments that require a small...
The Zebra AN610 Slimline (LHCP) Indoor RFID Antenna features a simple, integrated mounting system that lets them stand just under one-half inch (12mm) from...
The Zebra AN620 Slimline (LHCP) Indoor RFID Antenna features a simple, integrated mounting system that lets them stand just under one-half inch (12 mm) from...
The AN720 is a compact antenna that is aesthetically pleasing as well as has a high IP rating of 67 which makes it suitable for an indoor or outdoor...
Oheisella lomakkeella voitte lähettää meille tarjouspyynnön. Olemme teihin yhteydessä 24 tunnin sisällä. Voitte pyytää tarjousta myös puhelimitse maanantaista perjantaihin klo 11.00-18.00 välisenä aikana.
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) on teknologia, jota käytetään tuotteiden ja asioiden havainnointiin, tunnistamiseen ja yksilöintiin. RFID-tunniste on pieni laite, joka voidaan sisällyttää tuotteeseen valmistusvaiheessa tai liimata siihen jälkikäteen tarralla. Teknologian toiminta perustuu tiedon tallentamiseen RFID-tunnisteeseen ja sen langattomaan lukemiseen RFID-lukijalla radioaaltojen avulla.
RFID-tunnisteet voivat olla joko aktiivisia, passiivisia tai puoli-passiivisia:
1. Aktiiviset RFID-tunnisteet (sisältävät virtalähteen)
2. Passiiviset RFID-tunnisteet (ei sisältävät virtalähdettä)
3. Puoli-passivisia RFID-tunnisteet (sisältää virtalähteen)
Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman RFID-tunnisteita ja- laitteta verkkokaupassamme.
Onko sinulla kysyttävää tuotteesta tai tarvitsetko neuvoja tarpeisiinne parhaiten sopivan tuotteen valinnassa? Voidaksemme tarjota asiakkaillemme parasta palvelua, pyydämme täyttämään oheisen yhteydenottolomakkeen.
Olemme sinuun yhteydessä 24 tunnin sisällä. Huomioi tähdellä merkityt pakolliset kentät (*).